Friday, November 4, 2011

All patched up

Sort of. At least my insides won't fall out now and I'm not running the risk of dying from an infection or blood loss. I was running a pretty high fever for a day or two, normal, or so the clinic doc told me. So now I'm confined to a narrow cot with only this laptop for company.

Had another nightmare, a nightmare about it. It was like the first time, me alone in the woods, jumping at shadows, I was convinced I stood a chance. And then I was back here, on this cot. I tried to get out of it, but I couldn't, I was pinned, except nothing was there. And then, it came. I felt it is more like it, it started with a dull ache, then grew until I felt like my skull was going to split. One moment there was empty space, and then, it was there standing at the foot of my cot, it bent towards my face, it's own face, featureless as it was, splitting open at it's mouth, strings of flesh stretching and tearing as an endless black void opened wide and got closer.

And then I woke up. It was mid afternoon, light filtering through the blinds. I know injuries like that can take a lot out of you, but I checked my watch. I'd been out for 48 hours solid. Who the hell knows.

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